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If you are interested in publishing your case study, please fill out our [profile form] and return it to our office.Celebrate a Miracle (NVD)
I want to invite all of you to celebrate a miracle with me. September 1994 will forever be a milestone.
On Friday evening, September 9, I got an urgent phone call - my nephew was in the hospital, and he was dying. Please come immediately.
I arrived to find him paralyzed, face twisted, unable to speak clearly and unable to breathe properly. In short, he had all the symptoms of brain stem stroke. Worse, he was conscious, lucid and terrified. His weakness had been progressing for days, and no one on the Urology Service seemed to be listening. They were exhorting him to "be a man. " I immediately began treatment with neurovascular dynamics (NVD) and was able to reverse or minimize many of the symptoms. For the first time in days, he fell asleep. However, he still had an infection, and the process in his brain stem was continuing.
The young doctor on duty was concerned, but he was clearly out of his depth. When I told him that my nephew had all the symptoms of bulbar poliomyelitis (which is the old term for aseptic meningitis of the paralytic type), his eyes got big as saucers and he said, 'I've never seen a case.' I advised him to prepare for the worst; my nephew was losing the ability to breathe. At 2am. Saturday morning, the hospital transferred him to the critical cam unit on the Neurology Service; at noon on Sunday, he had lost all control over his respiratory muscles and had to be put on a respirator.
The quality of care at the hospital was outstanding from the moment he was transferred to Neurology. They ran every test they could think of - searching for the cause, As of this writing, all the tests are negative. We may never know the source of the infection. They also hooked him up to seven or eight drugs to cover WI the bases and fight the infection, regardless of what kind it was. The only positive findings are on the MRI's - multiple brain stem and spinal cord strokes. And, this is where the miracle begins.
Throughout the weekend, the situation was playing out on 2 levels: my nephew's critical illness and the resistance of the hospital bureaucracy to my efforts as his life-long primary physician. My sister and nephew stood firm in their insistence that I have access and give him care. I treated him with NVD throughout the weekend, regardless of who raised objections and barriers. Each time, I could see improvement in his neurologic deficits.
On Sunday, before the tube was inserted for his breathing, I did a specific cranial adjustment. As you might guess, that created an incredible furor among the doctors on staff. They thought I had killed him. Of course, when he was taken off the respirator about 40 hours later, those same staff members were flabbergasted. Based on the degree of damage in the MRI, they thought he would go irreversibly downhill after intubation. They never expected him to regain his ability to breathe, let alone recover with almost no deficits.
That has been the on-going story up to the date of this writing, September 29. The neurologists have documented what they believe to be "irreversible" damage, yet my nephew continues to improve and regain function. They tell him he's a 'miracle patient." Based on the last MRI, they can offer no explanation why he's up, walking around and functioning. At the point when his improvement could not be denied, I was 'quietly" given "full staff privileges' so that I could treat him without interference. I don't actually know what that means, since none of the doctors have communicated with me directly; that's what I mean when I say "quietly." I didn't push it though; I had achieved the necessary goal.
Now that my nephew's home, I can intensify the level of adjustments and cranial care. I expect his neurologic improvements to continue. We're working in the arm of the unknown, and no one can say with any certainty what's possible.
As for me, I had to face some very difficult moments. After all, I studied out of all the same medical textbooks as the neurologists; I knew the prognosis and knew how bad things looked for my nephew. However, I also knew I had tools they didn't have access to - there is no place in medical school for NVD or cranial adjustments. And, in the process, I've learned some very important lessons.
I've discovered that I have the courage to stand firm for what I believe - no matter what level of resistance I meet. I have even deeper assurance and conviction about the value of my life's work. And, I cannot begin to communicate the enormous gratitude I feel to my teachers - particularly Dr. Martin. Without my teachers I would not have known what was possible, and I would never have tried; and, the person who would have paid the greatest price would have been my nephew.
I also learned how important it is to stand up to the "experts." They don't always know. They, too, only act out of what they've been taught. If you don't know miracles are possible, you never reach for them. And, then, they never happen.
Dr. Richards
Rave Review Archives
Condroitin and Heart Disease
I have a family history of heart disease. When told I had Atherosclerosis I wasn't surprised, but wanted an alternative to surgery, angioplasty, plaque reducing drugs, etc... Dr Richards did a chemistry blood panel on me and we went to work to reverse my disease with a customized supplement program and changes in my diet and lifestyle. I thought that taking so much Chondroitin Sulfate daily was not necessary but I believed in Dr Richard's expertise and faithfully followed my program. After 1 1/2 years I feel so much better and my angina and chest pains are a thing of the past. I am so thankful for the kept me off the operating table and in control of my health! -CW
Head Injury and Cranial
I was referred to Dr. Richards by a friend who said she had gotten help from an incredible doctor where no other had helped her before. I had lost hope that anyone could help me and was desperate. I had a terrible accident in 1998. I fell onto my head on a cement landing from 10 feet up and then over the edge onto a tree stump on my forehead. I had an HMO at the time and saw a chiropractor, neurologist, an orthopedic surgeon and my primary care doctor and they all kept pushing me to another doctor. I spent 3 months vomiting and have severe vertigo (where the world spins like you are horribly drunk).
On my first visit to Dr. Richards, she did a thorough evaluation of me physically and determined almost immediately that I had no blood flow to my left brain and was still in severe shock. She did her magic with some adjustments to my neck and cranium and I felt the warm sensation of blood flowing to my brain and the left side of my head and face. My left eye had not been able to center since the accident and it now was able to focus and look straight ahead! I cried in relief as the dizziness left. I was then given an NVD treatment to stabilize me and deal with the shock. I spent the next 2 years getting treatments to stabilize the rest of my spine and pelvis due to injuries from the fall. It is now 2004 and I am now able to function in an almost normal way. I have a condition that football players get from being hit in the head too many times called Post Concussive Syndrome. It makes it difficult to live a "normal" life and my physical and mental activities are very limited compared to my life before the accident.
I believe that Dr. Richards saved my life. With her help and continued treatment I can get relief where no other doctor could or would help me. The migraine headaches and visual disturbances are kept at a minimum because she can take the pressure off my head with her cranial treatments, and the rest of my spine and body stay health and well-adjusted thanks to her. I owe her my life. CSW
CSW is an amazing person. She accomplishes an amazing amount in life and never lets her losses stop her. I'll never forget the first time I saw her, weaving down my hallway, leaning over her walker, barely able to walk. Seeing her now, you would have a hard time believing it's the same person. One day, when Dr. Cockburn (the thermography expert) was in our office, we took a pre- and post-adjustment thermographic picture of CSW, which clearly shows restoration of blood flow to the head and brain. The red and yellow colors indicate blood flow; blue indicates lack of blood and cold tissues. Dr Richards
If I was working on a task, and thought of another task that needed my attention, I used to quickly write a note to myself. Otherwise, I just wouldn't remember. Now I do not need to write down what I am thinking, as I am able to keep such a thought "on hold" until I finish the task I am working on. I just remember the next task.
Patience vs Impulsivity
In the past when I would access my voice mail, the pleasant voice would say "Press 1 for messages," and I would press "1" as soon as I was instructed to do so. In other words, I'd hear "Press 1" and that is exactly what I would do. Unfortunately, you have to wait until the word "message" is said before pressing "1" or nothing happens. This "impulsivity" was part of my life, even though I knew full well that quickly pressing "1" was futile. I would often be saying to myself "you know you have to wait until the word 'message,' so why can't you remember to wait?"
I now effortlessly wait for the word "message" before pressing "1." It's such a relief.
Another example.
When I would get out of the car, the seat belt would sometimes drop down into the door frame. When that happened, I'd close the door and then notice the door was ajar because the seat belt was jammed between the door and the frame of the car. This is about impulsivity and memory. That is, jumping out of the car quickly without looking to see where the seat belt lands (this is the impulsivity) even though I knew that such behavior often meant the door would close ajar (this is about memory).
I now effortlessly notice where the seat belt lands, and move it if necessary. I don't have to "remember" to do this. I just look now as easily as I used to fail to look.
Spatial Problems
When moving furniture or lamps, I'd often bang them into the ceiling (i.e. taking them up or down stairs) or hit the doorframe. Keeping track of all three dimensions at once was a challenge. Even when I thought I was looking everywhere I needed to look, it would sometimes happen. I now have a much better sense of where the item I'm moving is located as I move it. I rarely hit ceilings or door frames as much.
Less Irritability
Things that in the past would cause me to get quickly angry just don't bother me as much. With my children, I'm much more calm when they do something wrong. I just talk to them about it or tell them what the punishment will be without getting all fired up. Also, my wife tells me I'm easier to live with now.
Visual Issues
When something needed fixing in a tight place where seeing what you're doing might be difficult, I'd often just work on the problem by touch. For example, putting a screw through a bracket and then putting on a washer and nut. I'd do it without looking. Doing it this was less frustrating than trying to do the task while contorting myself to look. I don't understand why, but now I find it easy to get down and look at what I'm doing. It's not frustrating, and of course it makes the task easier.
I have never known a professional so open and eager to learn and apply new approaches to treatment. Even more remarkable is that you learn to the level of becoming a teacher to other professionals. My motivation for seeking treatment was headaches. I never went anywhere without pain medication for fear of having a debilitating episode of pain. That is a dim memory now. Not only that, but I am far healthier than ever before. I am so grateful for all you have done.
Seeing in Three Dimensions
I remember after one NOT session I was about to get into my car, when I noticed a tree close by. First, this was the beginning of noticing things that I'd not noticed in the past. Most of the time I would only notice exactly what I needed to notice to be successful with the task at hand. Noticing the tree was not a necessary step in terms of getting into my car, so in the past it would have been ignored.
Second, I noticed the tree separate from the foliage and buildings behind it. This is to say I saw it in three dimensions separate from the rest of the landscape. Until then I didn't realize that most of my life I'd been seeing things as if they were part of a painting or photograph -- seeing things flat in two dimensions. That day was the beginning of seeing more of what was around me (effortlessly and without intention to do so) and to see those things more in relief or in three dimensionally. [sic]
I also discovered that when I would look at an object, for example a photograph standing up on a dresser, I would also see the objects around it as part of a group. This was new. Normally if I was looking at something, that would be all that would register with me. Items very close by would be ignored. Now I see not only what I'm looking to see, but also things around it effortlessly. I am less oblivious than before the NOT process.
Hearing the Words to Songs
As I've talked with other ADHD adults, I find that some can hear the words to songs, and other(s) really struggle to do so. When I was in High School I was amazed that all my friends knew the words to the popular songs. Yet I just couldn't hear and remember them. After several months of NOT work, I was listening to an oldie's station. While singing along it struck me, I was picking up on the words and singing along with some of these songs for the first time in my life.
During Dinner
For years I wondered why I couldn't just sit with my family and stay in touch with them the entire time we ate. I would find myself thinking of other things or not noticing what the children were doing unless someone was talking. Then I could focus and be present. Otherwise, I could almost have been alone. I often tried to stay present during meals, only to discover that it hadn't happened. After NOT it was easier to see what my children were doing and to stay present with the family. I still think about things at dinner. But when I decide to be attentive or simply observe what's going on at the table, I am usually successful.
Case Profile
"I had heard about Dr. Richards from a friend of mine. My son, C., had a very aggressive relationship with his brother and his father. The fighting was more than just your typical quarreling. After discussing our options, my husband and I decided to take C. to Dr. Richards while my husband and I went to a family therapist.
"After about three weeks, my husband and I had noticed a change. C. was fighting a lot less with his brother, his relationship with his dad was improving and he was more mellow. And that was after we stopped going to the family therapist. Dr. Richards and the entire staff were very good with C. and now I hope to take my other son for treatment too. --TC
This is simply another example of a situation where cranial distortions and food allergies result in difficult behavior. Children are very direct and they don't have a lot of ways to express their pain. Helping them become pain-free is quite a privilege. --Dr. Richards
Case Profile
"In December of 1990, my husband and I visited Pitesch, Romania. Our visit was inspired by a segment on the TV show "20/20", which reported on the treatment and care of infants and children in Romania. When we first saw A and L, they were two weeks old and less than four pounds each. They were born two months premature and had suffered a trauma birth. (A and L are fraternal twins.)
"After a considerable amount of red tape, A and L were adopted at the age of four months by my family. From the time they were born until the day we were able to take them home, A and L were wrapped tightly in swaddling clothes that allowed little or no body movement. A had a severe heart murmur and L. had severe colic and strabismus in one of her eyes. A's heart condition eventually became more normal but he seemed unusually quiet. He had no head movement and at first we thought he might be deaf or blind. We eventually brought him to a chiropractic doctor. After just one treatment, A was able to move his head. My husband and I were referred to a chiropractor in San Fernando Valley. The doctor was treating A and L and they were responding very well to the treatments. L's strabismus was clearing and A was able to move more. But the commute to San Fernando Valley was just too great. Then we were referred to the Richards Family Health Center.
"Dr. Richards has been treating A and L for over three months and both are steadily improving. In addition to their treatments, Dr. Richards has addressed their nutritional needs. Both A and L have benefited from the supplements and Bach Flowers we've obtained at the Richards Family Health Center. As a result, L's digestive system has now normalized. A's mobility and alertness has increased. I've noticed that when or L miss their treatment, A. becomes HYPO-active while L becomes HYPER-active. I'm confident that with their treatments and lots of TLC, both A and L will continue to improve. --RS
It is wonderfully rewarding to watch the twins blossom as we continue working with them. L. is steadily catching up to her age level. A.'s deficit is more marked, but it warms my heart to see him hold his head up and look all around. --Dr. Richards
Case Profile
"I had heard about Dr. Richards from a friend of mine. My son, C, had a very aggressive relationship with his brother and his father. The fighting was more than just your typical quarreling. After discussing our options, my husband and I decided to take C to Dr. Richards while my husband and I went to a family therapist.
"After about three weeks, my husband and I had noticed a change. C was fighting a lot less with his brother, his relationship with his dad was improving and he was more mellow. And that was AFTER we stopped going to the family therapist. Dr. Richards and the entire staff were very good with C and now I hope to take my other son for treatment too." --TC
This is simply another example of a situation where cranial distortions and food allergies result in difficult behavior. Children are very direct and they don't have a lot of ways to express their pain. Helping them become pain-free is quite a privilege. --Dr. Richards
Optimal Health
Aches and Pains
I came to the office through a friend. I was pretty unable to function. I was suffering from post polio syndrome. I was in pain constantly. Always felt like I had the flu. Some days I couldn't even get out of bed. I had been to at least 20 doctors and basically got no help. I must have had 30 tests or more. Within 10 minutes, she said most of the pain I was describing was coming from my liver which had gotten in really bad shape from so many years of being sedentary.
My liver is in good shape today and I do not live in that pain anymore. She has given me back my life. I have friends in wheelchairs who can barely function, and I continue to function at a higher level than many able-bodied healthy people do.
The woman, Dr. Richards, is one of a kind. She has the ability to heal like none other. Her perception, knowledge and understanding of the body, mind and spirit is enormous! She has an array of techniques no one person other than she has. She knows how to adjust my body even though I have severe curvature of the spine. I know my lifespan has been and will continue to be lengthened and enhanced beyond my wildest hopes and dreams. I am a paraplegic. This is an extraordinary woman not only for the extraordinary work she does but for the extraordinary being-ness she is. A true evolved powerful and gentle spirit. Thank you Rowan for all you are and for all you've done for me and for many others. We are fortunate you are who and what you are! --LL
Case Profile – Atypical Angina
"I was originally going to a general practitioner for chest pain. From just one EKG, he diagnosed me as having angina pectoris. So, he prescribed heart medications for my condition. When he left the staate, I saw a cardiologist. Without running any further tests, the cardiologist maintained the original diagnosis and, as a precautionary measure, he kep me on the meds. Well, the chest pain never got any better, even after seeing two doctors! I felt that the heart meds were rapidly killing me.
At the suggestion of my wife, I reluctantly sought help from Dr. Richards. She determined that I, in fact, did not have angina pectoris. The condition I had was Prinzmetal's angina, which came about from food allergies. Dr. Richards prescribed a nutritional/allergy-avoidance program for me based on allergy and blood tests. After a short while, the pain in my chest stopped. --FLR
Mr. R. was right, the heart meds were killing him. He also has a heart block, and the medications he had been prescribed are contraindicated in that condition. They drive the patietn into heart failure. Not only is he free of chest pain; he's also free of heart medication, as well. --Dr Richards
Case Profile (Pediatrics, Cranial, Allergies)
"I had heard about Dr. Richards from a friend of mine. My son, C., had a very aggressive relationship with his brother and his father. The fighting was more than just your typical quarreling. After discussing our options, my husband and I decided to take C. to Dr. Richards while my husband and I went to a family therapist.
"After about three weeks, my husband and I had noticed a change. C. was fighting a lot less with his brother, his relationship with his dad was improving and he was more mellow. And that was after we stopped going to the family therapist. Dr. Richards and the entire staff were very good with C. and now I hope to take my other son for treatment too. --TC
This is simply another example of a situation where cranial distortions and food allergies result in difficult behavior. Children are very direct and they don't have a lot of ways to express their pain. Helping them become pain-free is quite a privilege. --Dr. Richards
Case Profile (Allergies, Cranial)
"I had heard about Dr. Richards from a friend of mine. My son, C, had a very aggressive relationship with his brother and his father. The fighting was more than just your typical quarreling. After discussing our options, my husband and I decided to take C to Dr. Richards while my husband and I went to a family therapist.
"After about three weeks, my husband and I had noticed a change. C was fighting a lot less with his brother, his relationship with his dad was improving and he was more mellow. And that was AFTER we stopped going to the family therapist. Dr. Richards and the entire staff were very good with C and now I hope to take my other son for treatment too." --TC
This is simply another example of a situation where cranial distortions and food allergies result in difficult behavior. Children are very direct and they don't have a lot of ways to express their pain. Helping them become pain-free is quite a privilege. --Dr. Richards
Case Profile (Allergies)
"The first time I visited the Richards Family Health Center, I was barely able to walk 50 feet. My husband had to literally take care of me for two whole months. I visited several MD's but none of them could find anything "wrong" with me. A few of them suggested that my state of health was psychologically induced, so they just told me to rest. All of the doctors prescribed anti-depressant drugs or some other related medication. I thought I was dying.
"A friend of my mom suggested that I visit the Richards Family Health Center. She spoke very highly of Dr. Richards, so I thought 'What do I have to lose?'
I was very surprised after my first visit because Dr. Richards actually LISTENED to everything I wanted to say. She thoroughly explained the treatment plan to a point where I was comfortable.
"After my first visit, I felt better. After three weeks of treatment, I noticed a big difference in my health. I had more energy, I could walk unassisted and I was feeling better about myself and life in general.
"I'd like to add that the staff is great. I feel very much at home whenever I come into the office and they make me feel like a whole person, not just a patient. If it wasn't for Dr. Richards and the Richards Family Health Center, I know I'd be in bed still wondering what's wrong with me. My husband and family can never thank her enough." --TO
Hidden food allergies are often the key to "unexplained" illness. It's very rewinding to assist someone in regaining a normal life. --Dr. Richards
Case Profile (Allergies, Intestinal)
I just got a bonus in my new job and I am writing to thank you. A year ago I could never have held a full-time job, much less out-performed younger people. I had little stamina and had trouble breathing.
Your evaluation disclosed that I had severe allergies, as well as Candida. Over the course of the past year, following your instructions, I eliminated polyester from my wardrobe and bedding, as well as other allergy-related substances, filtered my air and water, eliminated the Candida through a combination of diet and homeopathic treatment and, of course, received regular treatment in the office.
Today, I breathe normally. Also those nasty headaches are a thing of the past. I know how I feel is up to me, so with your guidance and my determination to feel better I have a great second half of my life to live.
Thank you very much for your incomparable counseling and treatment. I know I can say this for many, you have "saved" more than one of us. --Gratefully, CD
These are the experiences that make my practice worthwhile. Actually many of us are allergic to polyester, yet, it is the ubiquitous "hypoallergenic" substance. Don't be misled. Polyester pillows can cause as many problems as feather and down. If you have intractable asthma or recurrent respiratory infections, be sure you get tested for chemical allergies, as well as the "common" offenders. --Dr. Richards
Case Profile
I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer in 1997. Slowly I healed from the surgery and radiation, but the effects of the radiation caused problems I never anticipated. Dr Richards patiently helped me through this very bad time for me. No one else would help me. Even though we had a long distance relationship, it worked. I still take her prescribed nutrients and track my blood yearly. I feel strong and energetic. I am ever so grateful to Dr. Richards for all she has done for me, and I still consider her my guardian angel. Thank you again, Dr. Richards, for your dedication to not only your profession, but also to your high level of standards for your clientsÂ’ health. LRY, Sacramento, CA
Case Profile
I have been an active patient of Dr. Richards' for over six years. During that time, I have had several blood tests and nutritional programs. After the first program, I promised myself I would never again take any supplement without having reliable data to show I needed it. I couldn't imagine better nutritional guidance than a blood work-up. Well, that was before I had my nutritional program evaluated on the phonocardiogram! Dr. Richards used the information from my most recent blood test to determine what supplements to test on the phono. I was fascinated to see for myself that most of my new supplements were heart-positive. A few made no difference (heart neutral, I think), and a couple were not good for my heart. In two or 3 instances, I actually needed a different form of the vitamin that was prescribed. Using those results, Dr. Richards modified my supplement program. I am 100% confident that I need everything that I am taking, and that I will improve as a result of my supplement program. --LDM
L.D.M. developed a post-viral "chronic fatigue-like" syndrome at the beginning of this year. Her progress has been slow and steady. Perhaps the most outstanding result from her ACG was that she is one of the people who cannot take synthetic B vitamins. So, we provided the Bs in another form. Her heart cycle showed immediate improvement with just that one change.
Dr Richards
Case Profile
One of our patients was unable to share her personal story. She's 97 now and doesn't write much. She, too, has congestive heart failure. She was in a nursing home for a couple of months this year, while her daughter relocated them from a house to a more manageable apartment. It was a frightening experience. She couldn't take her supplements, and she became almost moribund. When she came home we immediately did a new phonocardiogram to assess her nutrient needs. Her 76 year-old daughter was in the office this week and told me her mother is getting stronger every day. In fact, her daughter's opinion, her mother was doing better than she was! Again, the proper nutrients based on accurate phonocardiogram diagnosis have made the difference for her. --Dr. Richards
Women's Health
Case Profile
I am a woman over 50. I have seen my sex drive decline over the last 20 years. I had thought this was a normal condition, even though very disappointing. Sex was often very painful, for no apparent reason. I was also suffering with a variety of abdominal pains and incapacitating low back pain that did not seem to resolve with chiropractic care.
It was not until Dr. Richards determined that I had severe adhesions in the pelvic cavity, from a hysterectomy many years ago and began a program of reducing those adhesions, that I saw a dramatic change in my body. The low back pain is now manageable with chiropractic care. The abdominal pain is significantly reduced. And, I can happily report that I have regained my interest in sex and now have the responsive body of a much younger woman! This is a joyous change in my life. I am truly grateful. --Patient
I have treated a number of women with pelvic adhesions. The results have been far in excess of my expectations. Common predisposing conditions include: hysterectomy, pelvic laproscopy, pelvic inflammatory disease, and trauma to the coccyx or sacrum. --Dr. Richards
Case Profile
I was going to a chiropractor for vertigo and headaches. Though I did experience some relief, the results were just temporary. My mother, who is a patient at RFHC, suggested that I visit Dr. Richards.
"Since I've been treated by Dr. Richards, the vertigo is under control and my headaches are gone. And whenever I feel that I might be having some problems, I make an appointment with Dr. Richards and we usually take care of the dizziness before it gets bad.
Case Profile
"Dr. Richards is the most knowledgeable doctor in her field.
"After being in bed for two months I was all set to have back surgery in February of 1991. 1 went to two orthopedic specialists and one neurosurgeon. They had me taking Empirin with codeine. I made the decision to see Dr. Richards when I could no longer stand taking the medicine.
"I dragged myself out of bed and went to her office. In only a few treatments, I was able to walk out of her office with little pain. I was able to slowly build up my strength and now I could go golfing ... without the medicine! Thanks to Dr. Richards , I am able to lead a more normal life." --RC
Conservative care is often a realistic alternative to surgery. Happily, this was one of those cases. It was a privilege to be of service to someone I've known for so long. --Dr. Richards
Case Profile
When I first came to Dr. Richards, a little over a year ago, it was a major leap of faith, on the recommendation of a trusted friend. My previous experiences with chiropractors did not have much more than a band aid effect. I was desperate and on the verge of quitting a job I loved.
The pain and stiffness in my neck had me on dangerous painkillers. I could not turn my head far enough to safely back my car out of a parking place. My feet felt as if they had been boiled in oil. The metatarsal bars on the soles of every pair of shoes I've owned since the late 60s could no longer relieve the pressure on the tender balls of my feet. I was on the verge of "roller skating off the nearest pier" when I began the 65 mile trek to Dr. Richards. In this year I have learned more about my body and how it works than I really wanted to know (sometimes). I changed my diet, exercised more and developed an attitude of perfect health inside and out. All done with TLC and humor. The visits were actually fun (sometimes).
I have now graduated from twice a week to every two months, as needed. My neck hasn't even tweaked in months. The biggest thrill of all came at a dear friends 50th anniversary party. I WORE NEW "HIGH HEELED SHOES" WITHOUT METATARSAL BARS AND 'DANCED ALL NIGHT". NEED I SAY MORE? --EK
Case Profile
"Having been treated by her for more than seven years, I know that Dr. Richards knows my body pretty well. Originally I came to the RFHC for my scoliosis and general back pain, and since I've been treated by Dr. Richards, the scoliosis has never given me any problems.
"I kind of know when something in my back goes out so when I feel that something has been pushed out of place, I go to Doc and she fixes me up. She basically keeps me going." --CK
Case Profile
We brought our 3-1/2 year old daughter to Dr. Richards in June 1993. She had numerous problems interfering with her development. Her walk was very awkward; she could not run; and she did no jumping or climbing. For the most part, she was physically inactive. She had a cleft in her soft palate which contributed to her very limited speech. Most everything she tried to say sounded like "ma ma." She wore glasses for the correction of farsightedness and had difficulty keeping her eyes from turning in (strabismus). We had been told that the only correction for this was surgery. The most frustrating thing for us was the fact that she was unresponsive much of the time, showing little or no emotion. Most often, she was irritable and minimally cooperative. This made speech therapy less than successful.
Our daughter recently turned 5. Looking at her today, it's hard to believe she's the same child. She now runs, hops, jumps and climbs, In fact, after her first visit to Dr. Richards, she tried jumping for the first time. It seems that now she rarely slows down to a walk. She still wears glasses, but her left lens has been changed to a weaker prescription. As long as she has her regular adjustments, her eyes remain straight. Surgery for strabismus is no longer being discussed. The most significant change has been in her personality. She giggles, laughs and smiles much of the time. She has been making good progress in speech therapy. She talks about everything. Although she is still shy, she responds to people in a positive way. Most importantly, she now enjoys life. --L and TA
This is one of those instances where nervous system coordination was being seriously impaired by what appeared to be a "simple defect. " The cleft palate resulted in torsion, misalignment and fixation in both the frontal and temporal bones. Since the vestibular system exists within the temporal bone, balance is affected. The emotional centers of the brain are immediately behind the frontal bone and frontal bone fixations have been documented to produce emotional distress - including depression, changeability, irritability, lack of concentration, etc. The best part of treating one of my "favorite patients," though, is the big smile and the hugs! --Dr. Richards
Case Profile
"I had heard about Dr. Richards from a friend of mine. My son, C., had a very aggressive relationship with his brother and his father. The fighting was more than just your typical quarreling. After discussing our options, my husband and I decided to take C. to Dr. Richards while my husband and I went to a family therapist.
"After about three weeks, my husband and I had noticed a change. C. was fighting a lot less with his brother, his relationship with his dad was improving and he was more mellow. And that was after we stopped going to the family therapist. Dr. Richards and the entire staff were very good with C. and now I hope to take my other son for treatment too. --TC
This is simply another example of a situation where cranial distortions and food allergies result in difficult behavior. Children are very direct and they don't have a lot of ways to express their pain. Helping them become pain-free is quite a privilege. --Dr. Richards
Case Profile
"In December of 1990, my husband and I visited Pitesch, Romania. Our visit was inspired by a segment on the TV show "20/20", which reported on the treatment and care of infants and children in Romania. When we first saw A and L, they were two weeks old and less than four pounds each. They were born two months premature and had suffered a trauma birth. (A and L are fraternal twins.)
"After a considerable amount of red tape, A and L were adopted at the age of four months by my family. From the time they were born until the day we were able to take them home, A and L were wrapped tightly in swaddling clothes that allowed little or no body movement. A had a severe heart murmur and L. had severe colic and strabismus in one of her eyes. A's heart condition eventually became more normal but he seemed unusually quiet. He had no head movement and at first we thought he might be deaf or blind. We eventually brought him to a chiropractic doctor. After just one treatment, A was able to move his head. My husband and I were referred to a chiropractor in San Fernando Valley. The doctor was treating A and L and they were responding very well to the treatments. L's strabismus was clearing and A was able to move more. But the commute to San Fernando Valley was just too great. Then we were referred to the Richards Family Health Center.
"Dr. Richards has been treating A and L for over three months and both are steadily improving. In addition to their treatments, Dr. Richards has addressed their nutritional needs. Both A and L have benefited from the supplements and Bach Flowers we've obtained at the Richards Family Health Center. As a result, L's digestive system has now normalized. A's mobility and alertness has increased. I've noticed that when or L miss their treatment, A. becomes HYPO-active while L becomes HYPER-active. I'm confident that with their treatments and lots of TLC, both A and L will continue to improve. --RS
It is wonderfully rewarding to watch the twins blossom as we continue working with them. L. is steadily catching up to her age level. A.'s deficit is more marked, but it warms my heart to see him hold his head up and look all around. --Dr. Richards
Case Profile
"School was pretty frustrating for S. He is very artistic - a gifted artist and musician - but reading and study skills were very challenging. In fact, the school system had categorized him as a "marginal" student. S's learning difficulties were structural - at four, he had been hit on the left forehead with a baseball bat. After that incident, he was more emotional than others his age, had difficulty sitting still and trouble learning to read and write. Private tutoring in reading in first grade helped him compensate, but reading was a struggle. And dealing with the school authorities was an endless battle.
"When S was approximately 12 years old, treatment was begun with Neural Organizational Technique. At first, the treatments were exhausting. It would be very difficult for him to perform the necessary tests, and he would need to sleep after every session. However, the results soon spoke for themselves. He went from a D average in junior high school, to placement in honors classes in high school. He graduated from high school at 16 by passing the State proficiency exam. Now, at 19, he's earned his certification as an Emergency Medical Technician, and is in training to become a fireman." --Aunt of SIS
"I would not have been able to achieve what I've accomplished so far without my NOT treatments. Life would have continued to be overwhelmingly difficult. --SIS
Meridian Therapy
Case Profile
"At 16, 1 had a bad car accident. In addition I was involved in a collision that knocked out my front four teeth. I saw an osteopathic doctor who made skeletal adjustments on my spine. Throughout high school and college, I was fine. At the 40, 1 had another accident. The left lower side of my back always hurt, my shoulder would lock up very easily, I had headaches, I was nervous and fatigued and I was easily angered. Within the next 12 years, I saw five different chiropractors. At times I was going 2 to 3 times per week with no permanent change. If I did anything, whether it was going to buy groceries or digging in my garden, I would always have to go back to ft chiropractor. I was always treated for the symptom and not the cause.
Then I met a PhD who referred me to Dr. Richards. The results have been like night and day. I feel like I did when I was 21 years old. Cranial therapy was the secret. Along with the nutritional support I have been receiving, the treatments I have been receiving from Dr. Richards have done away with all my pain. Unlike other doctors, she treated the cause and not just the symptom. The one thing in particular that I like about Dr. Richards is that she looks at the whole person, not just one aspect of him/her. The care that I receive is genuine. Also, the people who work at the RFHC are very special. There is an absolute concern for the whole person. You are never made to be stupid, no matter how small the complaint may be. Since coming to Dr. Richards, I feel younger than I have felt in years." --IC
It has been pure joy to work with J. C. and watch him heal. He is totally committed to being well and is willing to follow through by doing whatever it takes. --Dr. Richards
Case Profile
The other day I went into the office (RFHC) for an NVD appointment after completing my ordination exams. I was wiped out, stressed out and out of whack. Overall, I felt depleted. "Basket case" would have been a good word to describe me. After an hour on the table after an NVD session with Melissa and the doctor and some amazing adjustments by Dr. Richards, I walked away a new person. With adrenal glands, kidneys and a rib back in order, I felt revitalized. The kinks and aches were gone! I had been complaining, limping and straining for days and suddenly I was relaxed and comfortable. Thank you not only for the excellent ongoing care, but for the compassion and humor that comes with it. --PK
If all NVD did was improve your organs' functioning, that would be pretty amazing. Not only does it normalize your physiology, but you end up feeling wonderful in the process. That's only one of the reasons I think NYD is such an invaluable treatment modality. --Dr. Richards
Case Profile
"In April, 1991, 1 had a general physical by my family doctor (MD) who discovered an enlarged prostate with a possible nodule. He referred me to a urologist who arranged the first PSA test in June. This test revealed an elevated PSA the urologist recommended a biopsy to determine possible malignancy. After consulting with Dr. Richards, I had the biopsy which was negative. My urologist recommended follow-up visits to monitor my condition, but offered no treatment for the enlarged prostate.
"In late June, I started a series of treatments with Dr. Richards and took an herbal medication as prescribed by her. The reduced PSA (now below the normal range) appears to be strong evidence of improved health which I credit to Dr. Richards' care.
"I'm pleased to have found a source of quality health care at the Richards Family Health Center, one that is non-invasive and not drug oriented. I find the doctor and staff very helpful, caring and competent." --WT
And his prostate has returned to normal size too! NVD is the only technique I know that can accomplish this. --Dr. Richards
Case Profile
My body loves NVD. I routinely get a rejuvenation and feeling of well being from my treatments and it lasts. Most recently, I came to the office with debilitating nausea; I could barely move. This condition was totally alleviated with one NVD treatment. --LM
Case Profile
"School was pretty frustrating for S. He is very artistic - a gifted artist and musician - but reading and study skills were very challenging. In fact, the school system had categorized him as a "marginal" student. S's learning difficulties were structural - at four, he had been hit on the left forehead with a baseball bat. After that incident, he was more emotional than others his age, had difficulty sitting still and trouble learning to read and write. Private tutoring in reading in first grade helped him compensate, but reading was a struggle. And dealing with the school authorities was an endless battle.
"When S was approximately 12 years old, treatment was begun with Neural Organizational Technique. At first, the treatments were exhausting. It would be very difficult for him to perform the necessary tests, and he would need to sleep after every session. However, the results soon spoke for themselves. He went from a D average in junior high school, to placement in honors classes in high school. He graduated from high school at 16 by passing the State proficiency exam. Now, at 19, he's earned his certification as an Emergency Medical Technician, and is in training to become a fireman." --Aunt of SIS
"I would not have been able to achieve what I've accomplished so far without my NOT treatments. Life would have continued to be overwhelmingly difficult. --SIS
Case Profile
One day, the doctor suggested that my chronic back might have an emotional connection. I was somewhat skeptical; after all, I had spent years in therapy working through the pain of an abusive childhood. However, she said it was very easy to check and I was very tired of being in pain. She quickly located the emotional connection and the very issue I thought therapy had handled. Not only did the back pain leave, but an enormous, heavy gray cloud lifted off of my shoulders. It had been there all my life; I just hadn't been aware of it. Suddenly, the world was much brighter and my life has been much happier ever since.
Case Profile
Since he was a baby, R has been unusually frightened by loud sounds, like thunder and loud bells. As he got older, he adjusted to most of the loud sounds he encountered on a daily basis. Then he was enrolled in a new school. R had problems dealing with the new routine, the new environment and the school bells, which gave a different sounding "ring." At times he would become almost hysterical and he began experiencing headaches as well as stomach pains. So I brought him to Dr. Richards for NET. After ONE treatment specific for loud sounds, he had no more problems. Today, R still has no problems with loud sounds. In fact, the only one with any complaints is ME, but only when he turns up the volume on his radio to maximum! --Mother of RT
R's case was one of my first experiences with NET It was exciting to see how well it worked and how long-lasting the results are. --Dr. Richards
Case Profile
"Several months ago, I was in for a regular treatment. I had indicated to Dr. Richards that I had a problem eliminating but my intestines didn't feel constipated. She asked if she could do NET, suggesting that I might have an emotional component related to this problem. I agreed, and after the NET was completed, I had an intense emotional release.
"Much of the anxiety I was holding inside had dissipated. The very next day I rested and felt very relaxed. Since then, I have never encountered the same problem. As a therapy intern, I would recommend it as an adjunct with other therapies one might be receiving." --LZ
Case Profile (Pediactrics, NET)
"J has always had difficulty allowing anybody to touch his head, especially his eyes. During a regular chiropractic visit, Dr. Richards needed to make an adjustment on his eye muscles, but J was very adamant that he didn't want her to touch his face.
"At Dr. Richards request, I allowed J to have an NET treatment. Immediately J's anxiety about his eyes being touched went away. Interestingly enough, after the treatment, the area around his eyes no longer needed to be adjusted. --Mother of JT
Case Profile
"In December of 1990, my husband and I visited Pitesch, Romania. Our visit was inspired by a segment on the TV show "20/20", which reported on the treatment and care of infants and children in Romania. When we first saw A and L, they were two weeks old and less than four pounds each. They were born two months premature and had suffered a trauma birth. (A and L are fraternal twins.)
"After a considerable amount of red tape, A and L were adopted at the age of four months by my family. From the time they were born until the day we were able to take them home, A and L were wrapped tightly in swaddling clothes that allowed little or no body movement. A had a severe heart murmur and L. had severe colic and strabismus in one of her eyes. A's heart condition eventually became more normal but he seemed unusually quiet. He had no head movement and at first we thought he might be deaf or blind. We eventually brought him to a chiropractic doctor. After just one treatment, A was able to move his head. My husband and I were referred to a chiropractor in San Fernando Valley. The doctor was treating A and L and they were responding very well to the treatments. L's strabismus was clearing and A was able to move more. But the commute to San Fernando Valley was just too great. Then we were referred to the Richards Family Health Center.
"Dr. Richards has been treating A and L for over three months and both are steadily improving. In addition to their treatments, Dr. Richards has addressed their nutritional needs. Both A and L have benefited from the supplements and Bach Flowers we've obtained at the Richards Family Health Center. As a result, L's digestive system has now normalized. A's mobility and alertness has increased. I've noticed that when or L miss their treatment, A. becomes HYPO-active while L becomes HYPER-active. I'm confident that with their treatments and lots of TLC, both A and L will continue to improve. --RS
It is wonderfully rewarding to watch the twins blossom as we continue working with them. L. is steadily catching up to her age level. A.'s deficit is more marked, but it warms my heart to see him hold his head up and look all around. --Dr. Richards
Case Profile (Phonocardiogram, Nutrition)
I have been an active patient of Dr. Richards' for over six years. During that time, I have had several blood tests and nutritional programs. After the first program, I promised myself I would never again take any supplement without having reliable data to show I needed it. I couldn't imagine better nutritional guidance than a blood work-up. Well, that was before I had my nutritional program evaluated on the phonocardiogram! Dr. Richards used the information from my most recent blood test to determine what supplements to test on the phono. I was fascinated to see for myself that most of my new supplements were heart-positive. A few made no difference (heart neutral, I think), and a couple were not good for my heart. In two or 3 instances, I actually needed a different form of the vitamin that was prescribed. Using those results, Dr. Richards modified my supplement program. I am 100% confident that I need everything that I am taking, and that I will improve as a result of my supplement program. --LDM
LDM developed a post-viral "chronic fatigue-like " syndrome at the beginning of this year. Her progress has been slow and steady. Perhaps the most outstanding result from her ACG was that she is one of the people who cannot take synthetic B vitamins. So, we provided the B's in another form. Her heart cycle showed immediate improvement with just that one change. --Dr. Richards
Case Profile
"Your wife is a very sick woman. She's been through too much and I don't expect her to live more than three to six months." This was my forecast, given to my husband, after my surgery in July of 1990. With that prognosis, I was then given nominal care in preparation for my demise. In January of 1991, my immune system collapsed. However, I felt that I wanted to live and continued to struggle.
I first saw Dr. Richards in April of 1991. She was thorough in both examination and testing, but more than that, she was thorough in gleaning medical history from me. The road has been rough, but her care brought me through and was most comprehensive. As a friend stated after I described the care I was getting, "She's helping your body to heal. "She was so patient because I was suffering both physically and emotionally. I had been the victim of surgeries and the ramifications from them, some serious medical neglect, over-medicated, over-worked, and stressed to the max. It took a long time, but life is so precious and I wanted to treasure any extension of time I could have with my family. It means a lot to have a doctor who is willing to help you fight to live, rather than one who doesn't care enough to try. Standard medical training and treatment does not have all the answers. I'm living proof of that. --EK
E.K. has made a remarkable recovery, with very little support from her medical practitioners. She has wonderful determination and her courage has been a large factor in her recovery. --Dr. Richards
Men's Health
Case Profile
"In April, 1991, 1 had a general physical by my family doctor (MD) who discovered an enlarged prostate with a possible nodule. He referred me to a urologist who arranged the first PSA test in June. This test revealed an elevated PSA the urologist recommended a biopsy to determine possible malignancy. After consulting with Dr. Richards, I had the biopsy which was negative. My urologist recommended follow-up visits to monitor my condition, but offered no treatment for the enlarged prostate.
"In late June, I started a series of treatments with Dr. Richards and took an herbal medication as prescribed by her. The reduced PSA (now below the normal range) appears to be strong evidence of improved health which I credit to Dr. Richards' care.
"I'm pleased to have found a source of quality health care at the Richards Family Health Center, one that is non-invasive and not drug oriented. I find the doctor and staff very helpful, caring and competent." --WT
And his prostate has returned to normal size too! NVD is the only technique I know that can accomplish this. --Dr. Richards
Case Profile
"I was originally going to a general practitioner for chest pain. From just one EKG, he diagnosed me as having angina pectoris. So, he prescribed heart medications for my condition. When he left the state, I saw a cardiologist. Without running any further tests, the cardiologist maintained the original diagnosis and, as a precautionary measure, he kept me on the meds. Well, the chest pain never got any better, even after seeing two doctors! I felt that the heart meds were rapidly killing me.
At the suggestion of my wife, I reluctantly sought help from Dr. Richards. She determined that I, in fact, did not have angina pectoris. The condition I had was Prinzmetal's angina, which came about from food allergies. Dr. Richards prescribed a nutritional/allergy avoidance program for me based on allergy and blood tests. After a short while, the pain in my chest stopped. --FLR
Mr. R. was right, the heart meds were killing him. He also has a heart block, and the medications he had been prescribed are contraindicated in that condition. They drive the patient into heart failure. Not only is he free of chest pain he's also free of heart medication, as well. --Dr. Richards
Case Profile (Phonocardiogram, Heart)
A friend told my daughter to go there (to RFHC) because she had her help her, and [Dr. Richards] was good. Dr. O'Connor, a heart specialist, said I need[ed] an aortic valve replacement. I had already had a 4-bypass, 8 years ago, and I was worried another operation would be too much.
Dr. Richard[s] said if I took her advice and nutritional supplies, I would not get worse. So Dr. (O'Connor] did another stress heart valve test and in 6 mos. said he would not operate - so go home and take Dr. Richards "stuff." I sleep better and my heart is regular and strong. --RH
R.H. is 87 years old and had severe aortic stenosis, as well as uncontrollable high blood pressure when he first came to see me. I was uncertain whether we could reverse the stenosis, however, I felt certain that we could prevent it from advancing. Imagine my surprise when the stenotic valve repaired itself and his blood pressure dropped to normal! This is as good as it gets, from a doctor's point of view. --Dr. Richards
Case Profile (Phonocardiogram, Heart)
Hi, my name is Tom and I suffered from congestive heart failure and on 11/5/96 my blood pressure was uncontrollable. I had so much difficulty in breathing I was always puffing and puffing. I was grossly overweight. (I was retaining so much water). After being hospitalized I lost 25 pounds, but I was still hulling and puffing, and I was so weak. My blood pressure was now totally out of control, and I was doing everything the Kaiser doctors were telling me to do (limiting my salt intake, taking my medication regularly and not exerting myself).
My wife recommended I see Dr. Richards. I started to feel a little better, and I was still taking the medication from the Kaiser doctors, and on 4/12/97 1 had a mini stroke. I could not speak, my right hand became useless and I was hospitalized again. My wife said, "You better get your butt over to see Dr. Richards." I did, and I am glad I did. Dr. Richards treated me and BAM I started not only feeling better, I began to feel good (my kidneys kicked in, I was urinating again and that is a good thing). I no longer had shortness of breath - I was strong as a bull again.
I recently saw my buddy Charles, and he was dragging and he complained about his health and his high blood pressure, and I said to Charles, "If you ever want to date again, you better get your butt over to see Dr. Richards." I am telling anyone reading this, if you are feeling bad and you are in poor health, You better get your butt over to see Dr Richards! --Tom V
Tom's case is one of those medical miracles. Malignant unresponsive hypertension coupled - with congestive heart failure has a very poor prognosis medically. In Tom's case, I utilized the nutrients from the phonocardiogram protocol for both congestive heart failure and hypertension, and you see the results. I can sincerely say that the proper nutritional supplements are far more effective than cardiac medications in almost every case. --Dr. Richards
Case Profile (Phonocardiogram, Nutrition)
I have been an active patient of Dr. Richards' for over six years. During that time, I have had several blood tests and nutritional programs. After the first program, I promised myself I would never again take any supplement without having reliable data to show I needed it. I couldn't imagine better nutritional guidance than a blood work-up. Well, that was before I had my nutritional program evaluated on the phonocardiogram! Dr. Richards used the information from my most recent blood test to determine what supplements to test on the phono. I was fascinated to see for myself that most of my new supplements were heart-positive. A few made no difference (heart neutral, I think), and a couple were not good for my heart. In two or 3 instances, I actually needed a different form of the vitamin that was prescribed. Using those results, Dr. Richards modified my supplement program. I am 100% confident that I need everything that I am taking, and that I will improve as a result of my supplement program. --LDM
LDM developed a post-viral "chronic fatigue-like " syndrome at the beginning of this year. Her progress has been slow and steady. Perhaps the most outstanding result from her ACG was that she is one of the people who cannot take synthetic B vitamins. So, we provided the B's in another form. Her heart cycle showed immediate improvement with just that one change. --Dr. Richards
© 2013, Dr N Rowan Richards. This site or any part
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Richards Family Health Center. N Rowan Richards, DC,
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Condroitin and Heart Disease
I have a family history of heart disease. When told I had Atherosclerosis I wasn't surprised, but wanted an alternative to surgery, angioplasty, plaque reducing drugs, etc... Dr Richards did a chemistry blood panel on me and we went to work to reverse my disease with a customized supplement program and changes in my diet and lifestyle. I thought that taking so much Chondroitin Sulfate daily was not necessary but I believed in Dr Richard's expertise and faithfully followed my program. After 1 1/2 years I feel so much better and my angina and chest pains are a thing of the past. I am so thankful for the kept me off the operating table and in control of my health! -CWHead Injury and Cranial
I was referred to Dr. Richards by a friend who said she had gotten help from an incredible doctor where no other had helped her before. I had lost hope that anyone could help me and was desperate. I had a terrible accident in 1998. I fell onto my head on a cement landing from 10 feet up and then over the edge onto a tree stump on my forehead. I had an HMO at the time and saw a chiropractor, neurologist, an orthopedic surgeon and my primary care doctor and they all kept pushing me to another doctor. I spent 3 months vomiting and have severe vertigo (where the world spins like you are horribly drunk).On my first visit to Dr. Richards, she did a thorough evaluation of me physically and determined almost immediately that I had no blood flow to my left brain and was still in severe shock. She did her magic with some adjustments to my neck and cranium and I felt the warm sensation of blood flowing to my brain and the left side of my head and face. My left eye had not been able to center since the accident and it now was able to focus and look straight ahead! I cried in relief as the dizziness left. I was then given an NVD treatment to stabilize me and deal with the shock. I spent the next 2 years getting treatments to stabilize the rest of my spine and pelvis due to injuries from the fall. It is now 2004 and I am now able to function in an almost normal way. I have a condition that football players get from being hit in the head too many times called Post Concussive Syndrome. It makes it difficult to live a "normal" life and my physical and mental activities are very limited compared to my life before the accident.
I believe that Dr. Richards saved my life. With her help and continued treatment I can get relief where no other doctor could or would help me. The migraine headaches and visual disturbances are kept at a minimum because she can take the pressure off my head with her cranial treatments, and the rest of my spine and body stay health and well-adjusted thanks to her. I owe her my life. CSW
CSW is an amazing person. She accomplishes an amazing amount in life and never lets her losses stop her. I'll never forget the first time I saw her, weaving down my hallway, leaning over her walker, barely able to walk. Seeing her now, you would have a hard time believing it's the same person. One day, when Dr. Cockburn (the thermography expert) was in our office, we took a pre- and post-adjustment thermographic picture of CSW, which clearly shows restoration of blood flow to the head and brain. The red and yellow colors indicate blood flow; blue indicates lack of blood and cold tissues. Dr Richards
If I was working on a task, and thought of another task that needed my attention, I used to quickly write a note to myself. Otherwise, I just wouldn't remember. Now I do not need to write down what I am thinking, as I am able to keep such a thought "on hold" until I finish the task I am working on. I just remember the next task.
Patience vs Impulsivity
In the past when I would access my voice mail, the pleasant voice would say "Press 1 for messages," and I would press "1" as soon as I was instructed to do so. In other words, I'd hear "Press 1" and that is exactly what I would do. Unfortunately, you have to wait until the word "message" is said before pressing "1" or nothing happens. This "impulsivity" was part of my life, even though I knew full well that quickly pressing "1" was futile. I would often be saying to myself "you know you have to wait until the word 'message,' so why can't you remember to wait?"
I now effortlessly wait for the word "message" before pressing "1." It's such a relief.
Another example.
When I would get out of the car, the seat belt would sometimes drop down into the door frame. When that happened, I'd close the door and then notice the door was ajar because the seat belt was jammed between the door and the frame of the car. This is about impulsivity and memory. That is, jumping out of the car quickly without looking to see where the seat belt lands (this is the impulsivity) even though I knew that such behavior often meant the door would close ajar (this is about memory).
I now effortlessly notice where the seat belt lands, and move it if necessary. I don't have to "remember" to do this. I just look now as easily as I used to fail to look.
Spatial Problems
When moving furniture or lamps, I'd often bang them into the ceiling (i.e. taking them up or down stairs) or hit the doorframe. Keeping track of all three dimensions at once was a challenge. Even when I thought I was looking everywhere I needed to look, it would sometimes happen. I now have a much better sense of where the item I'm moving is located as I move it. I rarely hit ceilings or door frames as much.
Less Irritability
Things that in the past would cause me to get quickly angry just don't bother me as much. With my children, I'm much more calm when they do something wrong. I just talk to them about it or tell them what the punishment will be without getting all fired up. Also, my wife tells me I'm easier to live with now.
Visual Issues
When something needed fixing in a tight place where seeing what you're doing might be difficult, I'd often just work on the problem by touch. For example, putting a screw through a bracket and then putting on a washer and nut. I'd do it without looking. Doing it this was less frustrating than trying to do the task while contorting myself to look. I don't understand why, but now I find it easy to get down and look at what I'm doing. It's not frustrating, and of course it makes the task easier.
I have never known a professional so open and eager to learn and apply new approaches to treatment. Even more remarkable is that you learn to the level of becoming a teacher to other professionals. My motivation for seeking treatment was headaches. I never went anywhere without pain medication for fear of having a debilitating episode of pain. That is a dim memory now. Not only that, but I am far healthier than ever before. I am so grateful for all you have done.
Seeing in Three Dimensions
I remember after one NOT session I was about to get into my car, when I noticed a tree close by. First, this was the beginning of noticing things that I'd not noticed in the past. Most of the time I would only notice exactly what I needed to notice to be successful with the task at hand. Noticing the tree was not a necessary step in terms of getting into my car, so in the past it would have been ignored.
Second, I noticed the tree separate from the foliage and buildings behind it. This is to say I saw it in three dimensions separate from the rest of the landscape. Until then I didn't realize that most of my life I'd been seeing things as if they were part of a painting or photograph -- seeing things flat in two dimensions. That day was the beginning of seeing more of what was around me (effortlessly and without intention to do so) and to see those things more in relief or in three dimensionally. [sic]
I also discovered that when I would look at an object, for example a photograph standing up on a dresser, I would also see the objects around it as part of a group. This was new. Normally if I was looking at something, that would be all that would register with me. Items very close by would be ignored. Now I see not only what I'm looking to see, but also things around it effortlessly. I am less oblivious than before the NOT process.
Hearing the Words to Songs
As I've talked with other ADHD adults, I find that some can hear the words to songs, and other(s) really struggle to do so. When I was in High School I was amazed that all my friends knew the words to the popular songs. Yet I just couldn't hear and remember them. After several months of NOT work, I was listening to an oldie's station. While singing along it struck me, I was picking up on the words and singing along with some of these songs for the first time in my life.
During Dinner
For years I wondered why I couldn't just sit with my family and stay in touch with them the entire time we ate. I would find myself thinking of other things or not noticing what the children were doing unless someone was talking. Then I could focus and be present. Otherwise, I could almost have been alone. I often tried to stay present during meals, only to discover that it hadn't happened. After NOT it was easier to see what my children were doing and to stay present with the family. I still think about things at dinner. But when I decide to be attentive or simply observe what's going on at the table, I am usually successful.
Case Profile
"I had heard about Dr. Richards from a friend of mine. My son, C., had a very aggressive relationship with his brother and his father. The fighting was more than just your typical quarreling. After discussing our options, my husband and I decided to take C. to Dr. Richards while my husband and I went to a family therapist.
"After about three weeks, my husband and I had noticed a change. C. was fighting a lot less with his brother, his relationship with his dad was improving and he was more mellow. And that was after we stopped going to the family therapist. Dr. Richards and the entire staff were very good with C. and now I hope to take my other son for treatment too. --TC
This is simply another example of a situation where cranial distortions and food allergies result in difficult behavior. Children are very direct and they don't have a lot of ways to express their pain. Helping them become pain-free is quite a privilege. --Dr. Richards
Case Profile
"In December of 1990, my husband and I visited Pitesch, Romania. Our visit was inspired by a segment on the TV show "20/20", which reported on the treatment and care of infants and children in Romania. When we first saw A and L, they were two weeks old and less than four pounds each. They were born two months premature and had suffered a trauma birth. (A and L are fraternal twins.)
"After a considerable amount of red tape, A and L were adopted at the age of four months by my family. From the time they were born until the day we were able to take them home, A and L were wrapped tightly in swaddling clothes that allowed little or no body movement. A had a severe heart murmur and L. had severe colic and strabismus in one of her eyes. A's heart condition eventually became more normal but he seemed unusually quiet. He had no head movement and at first we thought he might be deaf or blind. We eventually brought him to a chiropractic doctor. After just one treatment, A was able to move his head. My husband and I were referred to a chiropractor in San Fernando Valley. The doctor was treating A and L and they were responding very well to the treatments. L's strabismus was clearing and A was able to move more. But the commute to San Fernando Valley was just too great. Then we were referred to the Richards Family Health Center.
"Dr. Richards has been treating A and L for over three months and both are steadily improving. In addition to their treatments, Dr. Richards has addressed their nutritional needs. Both A and L have benefited from the supplements and Bach Flowers we've obtained at the Richards Family Health Center. As a result, L's digestive system has now normalized. A's mobility and alertness has increased. I've noticed that when or L miss their treatment, A. becomes HYPO-active while L becomes HYPER-active. I'm confident that with their treatments and lots of TLC, both A and L will continue to improve. --RS
It is wonderfully rewarding to watch the twins blossom as we continue working with them. L. is steadily catching up to her age level. A.'s deficit is more marked, but it warms my heart to see him hold his head up and look all around. --Dr. Richards
Case Profile
"I had heard about Dr. Richards from a friend of mine. My son, C, had a very aggressive relationship with his brother and his father. The fighting was more than just your typical quarreling. After discussing our options, my husband and I decided to take C to Dr. Richards while my husband and I went to a family therapist.
"After about three weeks, my husband and I had noticed a change. C was fighting a lot less with his brother, his relationship with his dad was improving and he was more mellow. And that was AFTER we stopped going to the family therapist. Dr. Richards and the entire staff were very good with C and now I hope to take my other son for treatment too." --TC
This is simply another example of a situation where cranial distortions and food allergies result in difficult behavior. Children are very direct and they don't have a lot of ways to express their pain. Helping them become pain-free is quite a privilege. --Dr. Richards
Optimal Health
Aches and PainsI came to the office through a friend. I was pretty unable to function. I was suffering from post polio syndrome. I was in pain constantly. Always felt like I had the flu. Some days I couldn't even get out of bed. I had been to at least 20 doctors and basically got no help. I must have had 30 tests or more. Within 10 minutes, she said most of the pain I was describing was coming from my liver which had gotten in really bad shape from so many years of being sedentary.
My liver is in good shape today and I do not live in that pain anymore. She has given me back my life. I have friends in wheelchairs who can barely function, and I continue to function at a higher level than many able-bodied healthy people do.
The woman, Dr. Richards, is one of a kind. She has the ability to heal like none other. Her perception, knowledge and understanding of the body, mind and spirit is enormous! She has an array of techniques no one person other than she has. She knows how to adjust my body even though I have severe curvature of the spine. I know my lifespan has been and will continue to be lengthened and enhanced beyond my wildest hopes and dreams. I am a paraplegic. This is an extraordinary woman not only for the extraordinary work she does but for the extraordinary being-ness she is. A true evolved powerful and gentle spirit. Thank you Rowan for all you are and for all you've done for me and for many others. We are fortunate you are who and what you are! --LL
Case Profile – Atypical Angina"I was originally going to a general practitioner for chest pain. From just one EKG, he diagnosed me as having angina pectoris. So, he prescribed heart medications for my condition. When he left the staate, I saw a cardiologist. Without running any further tests, the cardiologist maintained the original diagnosis and, as a precautionary measure, he kep me on the meds. Well, the chest pain never got any better, even after seeing two doctors! I felt that the heart meds were rapidly killing me.
At the suggestion of my wife, I reluctantly sought help from Dr. Richards. She determined that I, in fact, did not have angina pectoris. The condition I had was Prinzmetal's angina, which came about from food allergies. Dr. Richards prescribed a nutritional/allergy-avoidance program for me based on allergy and blood tests. After a short while, the pain in my chest stopped. --FLR
Mr. R. was right, the heart meds were killing him. He also has a heart block, and the medications he had been prescribed are contraindicated in that condition. They drive the patietn into heart failure. Not only is he free of chest pain; he's also free of heart medication, as well. --Dr Richards
Case Profile (Pediatrics, Cranial, Allergies)
"I had heard about Dr. Richards from a friend of mine. My son, C., had a very aggressive relationship with his brother and his father. The fighting was more than just your typical quarreling. After discussing our options, my husband and I decided to take C. to Dr. Richards while my husband and I went to a family therapist.
"After about three weeks, my husband and I had noticed a change. C. was fighting a lot less with his brother, his relationship with his dad was improving and he was more mellow. And that was after we stopped going to the family therapist. Dr. Richards and the entire staff were very good with C. and now I hope to take my other son for treatment too. --TC
This is simply another example of a situation where cranial distortions and food allergies result in difficult behavior. Children are very direct and they don't have a lot of ways to express their pain. Helping them become pain-free is quite a privilege. --Dr. Richards
Case Profile (Allergies, Cranial)
"I had heard about Dr. Richards from a friend of mine. My son, C, had a very aggressive relationship with his brother and his father. The fighting was more than just your typical quarreling. After discussing our options, my husband and I decided to take C to Dr. Richards while my husband and I went to a family therapist.
"After about three weeks, my husband and I had noticed a change. C was fighting a lot less with his brother, his relationship with his dad was improving and he was more mellow. And that was AFTER we stopped going to the family therapist. Dr. Richards and the entire staff were very good with C and now I hope to take my other son for treatment too." --TC
This is simply another example of a situation where cranial distortions and food allergies result in difficult behavior. Children are very direct and they don't have a lot of ways to express their pain. Helping them become pain-free is quite a privilege. --Dr. Richards
Case Profile (Allergies)
"The first time I visited the Richards Family Health Center, I was barely able to walk 50 feet. My husband had to literally take care of me for two whole months. I visited several MD's but none of them could find anything "wrong" with me. A few of them suggested that my state of health was psychologically induced, so they just told me to rest. All of the doctors prescribed anti-depressant drugs or some other related medication. I thought I was dying.
"A friend of my mom suggested that I visit the Richards Family Health Center. She spoke very highly of Dr. Richards, so I thought 'What do I have to lose?'
I was very surprised after my first visit because Dr. Richards actually LISTENED to everything I wanted to say. She thoroughly explained the treatment plan to a point where I was comfortable.
"After my first visit, I felt better. After three weeks of treatment, I noticed a big difference in my health. I had more energy, I could walk unassisted and I was feeling better about myself and life in general.
"I'd like to add that the staff is great. I feel very much at home whenever I come into the office and they make me feel like a whole person, not just a patient. If it wasn't for Dr. Richards and the Richards Family Health Center, I know I'd be in bed still wondering what's wrong with me. My husband and family can never thank her enough." --TO
Hidden food allergies are often the key to "unexplained" illness. It's very rewinding to assist someone in regaining a normal life. --Dr. Richards
Case Profile (Allergies, Intestinal)
I just got a bonus in my new job and I am writing to thank you. A year ago I could never have held a full-time job, much less out-performed younger people. I had little stamina and had trouble breathing.
Your evaluation disclosed that I had severe allergies, as well as Candida. Over the course of the past year, following your instructions, I eliminated polyester from my wardrobe and bedding, as well as other allergy-related substances, filtered my air and water, eliminated the Candida through a combination of diet and homeopathic treatment and, of course, received regular treatment in the office.
Today, I breathe normally. Also those nasty headaches are a thing of the past. I know how I feel is up to me, so with your guidance and my determination to feel better I have a great second half of my life to live.
Thank you very much for your incomparable counseling and treatment. I know I can say this for many, you have "saved" more than one of us. --Gratefully, CD
These are the experiences that make my practice worthwhile. Actually many of us are allergic to polyester, yet, it is the ubiquitous "hypoallergenic" substance. Don't be misled. Polyester pillows can cause as many problems as feather and down. If you have intractable asthma or recurrent respiratory infections, be sure you get tested for chemical allergies, as well as the "common" offenders. --Dr. Richards
Case ProfileI was diagnosed with endometrial cancer in 1997. Slowly I healed from the surgery and radiation, but the effects of the radiation caused problems I never anticipated. Dr Richards patiently helped me through this very bad time for me. No one else would help me. Even though we had a long distance relationship, it worked. I still take her prescribed nutrients and track my blood yearly. I feel strong and energetic. I am ever so grateful to Dr. Richards for all she has done for me, and I still consider her my guardian angel. Thank you again, Dr. Richards, for your dedication to not only your profession, but also to your high level of standards for your clientsÂ’ health. LRY, Sacramento, CA
Case ProfileI have been an active patient of Dr. Richards' for over six years. During that time, I have had several blood tests and nutritional programs. After the first program, I promised myself I would never again take any supplement without having reliable data to show I needed it. I couldn't imagine better nutritional guidance than a blood work-up. Well, that was before I had my nutritional program evaluated on the phonocardiogram! Dr. Richards used the information from my most recent blood test to determine what supplements to test on the phono. I was fascinated to see for myself that most of my new supplements were heart-positive. A few made no difference (heart neutral, I think), and a couple were not good for my heart. In two or 3 instances, I actually needed a different form of the vitamin that was prescribed. Using those results, Dr. Richards modified my supplement program. I am 100% confident that I need everything that I am taking, and that I will improve as a result of my supplement program. --LDM
L.D.M. developed a post-viral "chronic fatigue-like" syndrome at the beginning of this year. Her progress has been slow and steady. Perhaps the most outstanding result from her ACG was that she is one of the people who cannot take synthetic B vitamins. So, we provided the Bs in another form. Her heart cycle showed immediate improvement with just that one change.
Dr Richards
Case Profile
One of our patients was unable to share her personal story. She's 97 now and doesn't write much. She, too, has congestive heart failure. She was in a nursing home for a couple of months this year, while her daughter relocated them from a house to a more manageable apartment. It was a frightening experience. She couldn't take her supplements, and she became almost moribund. When she came home we immediately did a new phonocardiogram to assess her nutrient needs. Her 76 year-old daughter was in the office this week and told me her mother is getting stronger every day. In fact, her daughter's opinion, her mother was doing better than she was! Again, the proper nutrients based on accurate phonocardiogram diagnosis have made the difference for her. --Dr. Richards
Women's Health
Case ProfileI am a woman over 50. I have seen my sex drive decline over the last 20 years. I had thought this was a normal condition, even though very disappointing. Sex was often very painful, for no apparent reason. I was also suffering with a variety of abdominal pains and incapacitating low back pain that did not seem to resolve with chiropractic care.
It was not until Dr. Richards determined that I had severe adhesions in the pelvic cavity, from a hysterectomy many years ago and began a program of reducing those adhesions, that I saw a dramatic change in my body. The low back pain is now manageable with chiropractic care. The abdominal pain is significantly reduced. And, I can happily report that I have regained my interest in sex and now have the responsive body of a much younger woman! This is a joyous change in my life. I am truly grateful. --Patient
I have treated a number of women with pelvic adhesions. The results have been far in excess of my expectations. Common predisposing conditions include: hysterectomy, pelvic laproscopy, pelvic inflammatory disease, and trauma to the coccyx or sacrum. --Dr. Richards
Case ProfileI was going to a chiropractor for vertigo and headaches. Though I did experience some relief, the results were just temporary. My mother, who is a patient at RFHC, suggested that I visit Dr. Richards.
"Since I've been treated by Dr. Richards, the vertigo is under control and my headaches are gone. And whenever I feel that I might be having some problems, I make an appointment with Dr. Richards and we usually take care of the dizziness before it gets bad.
Case Profile
"Dr. Richards is the most knowledgeable doctor in her field.
"After being in bed for two months I was all set to have back surgery in February of 1991. 1 went to two orthopedic specialists and one neurosurgeon. They had me taking Empirin with codeine. I made the decision to see Dr. Richards when I could no longer stand taking the medicine.
"I dragged myself out of bed and went to her office. In only a few treatments, I was able to walk out of her office with little pain. I was able to slowly build up my strength and now I could go golfing ... without the medicine! Thanks to Dr. Richards , I am able to lead a more normal life." --RC
Conservative care is often a realistic alternative to surgery. Happily, this was one of those cases. It was a privilege to be of service to someone I've known for so long. --Dr. Richards
Case Profile
When I first came to Dr. Richards, a little over a year ago, it was a major leap of faith, on the recommendation of a trusted friend. My previous experiences with chiropractors did not have much more than a band aid effect. I was desperate and on the verge of quitting a job I loved.
The pain and stiffness in my neck had me on dangerous painkillers. I could not turn my head far enough to safely back my car out of a parking place. My feet felt as if they had been boiled in oil. The metatarsal bars on the soles of every pair of shoes I've owned since the late 60s could no longer relieve the pressure on the tender balls of my feet. I was on the verge of "roller skating off the nearest pier" when I began the 65 mile trek to Dr. Richards. In this year I have learned more about my body and how it works than I really wanted to know (sometimes). I changed my diet, exercised more and developed an attitude of perfect health inside and out. All done with TLC and humor. The visits were actually fun (sometimes). © 2013, Dr N Rowan Richards. This site or any part
may not be reproduced without the written consent of
Richards Family Health Center. N Rowan Richards, DC,
DABCI, FIACA at 727 Lee Court, Twin Falls ID 83301.
626.303.3162. This
site is Not intended to dispense health advice or
serve as a substitute for actual patient contact with
a qualified healthcare provider. Our sole purpose is
one of education. It is our expectation that our site
can educate our visitors about the efficacy of some
healthcare treatments that exist as an alternative to
conventional medical wisdom. PRIVACY POLICY: Richards Family
Health Center takes your privacy very seriously. Be
assured that we do not sell or rent your contact
information to anyone.
I have now graduated from twice a week to every two months, as needed. My neck hasn't even tweaked in months. The biggest thrill of all came at a dear friends 50th anniversary party. I WORE NEW "HIGH HEELED SHOES" WITHOUT METATARSAL BARS AND 'DANCED ALL NIGHT". NEED I SAY MORE? --EK
Case Profile
"Having been treated by her for more than seven years, I know that Dr. Richards knows my body pretty well. Originally I came to the RFHC for my scoliosis and general back pain, and since I've been treated by Dr. Richards, the scoliosis has never given me any problems.
"I kind of know when something in my back goes out so when I feel that something has been pushed out of place, I go to Doc and she fixes me up. She basically keeps me going." --CK
Case Profile
We brought our 3-1/2 year old daughter to Dr. Richards in June 1993. She had numerous problems interfering with her development. Her walk was very awkward; she could not run; and she did no jumping or climbing. For the most part, she was physically inactive. She had a cleft in her soft palate which contributed to her very limited speech. Most everything she tried to say sounded like "ma ma." She wore glasses for the correction of farsightedness and had difficulty keeping her eyes from turning in (strabismus). We had been told that the only correction for this was surgery. The most frustrating thing for us was the fact that she was unresponsive much of the time, showing little or no emotion. Most often, she was irritable and minimally cooperative. This made speech therapy less than successful.
Our daughter recently turned 5. Looking at her today, it's hard to believe she's the same child. She now runs, hops, jumps and climbs, In fact, after her first visit to Dr. Richards, she tried jumping for the first time. It seems that now she rarely slows down to a walk. She still wears glasses, but her left lens has been changed to a weaker prescription. As long as she has her regular adjustments, her eyes remain straight. Surgery for strabismus is no longer being discussed. The most significant change has been in her personality. She giggles, laughs and smiles much of the time. She has been making good progress in speech therapy. She talks about everything. Although she is still shy, she responds to people in a positive way. Most importantly, she now enjoys life. --L and TA
This is one of those instances where nervous system coordination was being seriously impaired by what appeared to be a "simple defect. " The cleft palate resulted in torsion, misalignment and fixation in both the frontal and temporal bones. Since the vestibular system exists within the temporal bone, balance is affected. The emotional centers of the brain are immediately behind the frontal bone and frontal bone fixations have been documented to produce emotional distress - including depression, changeability, irritability, lack of concentration, etc. The best part of treating one of my "favorite patients," though, is the big smile and the hugs! --Dr. Richards
Case Profile
"I had heard about Dr. Richards from a friend of mine. My son, C., had a very aggressive relationship with his brother and his father. The fighting was more than just your typical quarreling. After discussing our options, my husband and I decided to take C. to Dr. Richards while my husband and I went to a family therapist.
"After about three weeks, my husband and I had noticed a change. C. was fighting a lot less with his brother, his relationship with his dad was improving and he was more mellow. And that was after we stopped going to the family therapist. Dr. Richards and the entire staff were very good with C. and now I hope to take my other son for treatment too. --TC
This is simply another example of a situation where cranial distortions and food allergies result in difficult behavior. Children are very direct and they don't have a lot of ways to express their pain. Helping them become pain-free is quite a privilege. --Dr. Richards
Case Profile
"In December of 1990, my husband and I visited Pitesch, Romania. Our visit was inspired by a segment on the TV show "20/20", which reported on the treatment and care of infants and children in Romania. When we first saw A and L, they were two weeks old and less than four pounds each. They were born two months premature and had suffered a trauma birth. (A and L are fraternal twins.)
"After a considerable amount of red tape, A and L were adopted at the age of four months by my family. From the time they were born until the day we were able to take them home, A and L were wrapped tightly in swaddling clothes that allowed little or no body movement. A had a severe heart murmur and L. had severe colic and strabismus in one of her eyes. A's heart condition eventually became more normal but he seemed unusually quiet. He had no head movement and at first we thought he might be deaf or blind. We eventually brought him to a chiropractic doctor. After just one treatment, A was able to move his head. My husband and I were referred to a chiropractor in San Fernando Valley. The doctor was treating A and L and they were responding very well to the treatments. L's strabismus was clearing and A was able to move more. But the commute to San Fernando Valley was just too great. Then we were referred to the Richards Family Health Center.
"Dr. Richards has been treating A and L for over three months and both are steadily improving. In addition to their treatments, Dr. Richards has addressed their nutritional needs. Both A and L have benefited from the supplements and Bach Flowers we've obtained at the Richards Family Health Center. As a result, L's digestive system has now normalized. A's mobility and alertness has increased. I've noticed that when or L miss their treatment, A. becomes HYPO-active while L becomes HYPER-active. I'm confident that with their treatments and lots of TLC, both A and L will continue to improve. --RS
It is wonderfully rewarding to watch the twins blossom as we continue working with them. L. is steadily catching up to her age level. A.'s deficit is more marked, but it warms my heart to see him hold his head up and look all around. --Dr. Richards
Case Profile
"School was pretty frustrating for S. He is very artistic - a gifted artist and musician - but reading and study skills were very challenging. In fact, the school system had categorized him as a "marginal" student. S's learning difficulties were structural - at four, he had been hit on the left forehead with a baseball bat. After that incident, he was more emotional than others his age, had difficulty sitting still and trouble learning to read and write. Private tutoring in reading in first grade helped him compensate, but reading was a struggle. And dealing with the school authorities was an endless battle.
"When S was approximately 12 years old, treatment was begun with Neural Organizational Technique. At first, the treatments were exhausting. It would be very difficult for him to perform the necessary tests, and he would need to sleep after every session. However, the results soon spoke for themselves. He went from a D average in junior high school, to placement in honors classes in high school. He graduated from high school at 16 by passing the State proficiency exam. Now, at 19, he's earned his certification as an Emergency Medical Technician, and is in training to become a fireman." --Aunt of SIS
"I would not have been able to achieve what I've accomplished so far without my NOT treatments. Life would have continued to be overwhelmingly difficult. --SIS
Meridian Therapy
Case Profile
"At 16, 1 had a bad car accident. In addition I was involved in a collision that knocked out my front four teeth. I saw an osteopathic doctor who made skeletal adjustments on my spine. Throughout high school and college, I was fine. At the 40, 1 had another accident. The left lower side of my back always hurt, my shoulder would lock up very easily, I had headaches, I was nervous and fatigued and I was easily angered. Within the next 12 years, I saw five different chiropractors. At times I was going 2 to 3 times per week with no permanent change. If I did anything, whether it was going to buy groceries or digging in my garden, I would always have to go back to ft chiropractor. I was always treated for the symptom and not the cause.
Then I met a PhD who referred me to Dr. Richards. The results have been like night and day. I feel like I did when I was 21 years old. Cranial therapy was the secret. Along with the nutritional support I have been receiving, the treatments I have been receiving from Dr. Richards have done away with all my pain. Unlike other doctors, she treated the cause and not just the symptom. The one thing in particular that I like about Dr. Richards is that she looks at the whole person, not just one aspect of him/her. The care that I receive is genuine. Also, the people who work at the RFHC are very special. There is an absolute concern for the whole person. You are never made to be stupid, no matter how small the complaint may be. Since coming to Dr. Richards, I feel younger than I have felt in years." --IC
It has been pure joy to work with J. C. and watch him heal. He is totally committed to being well and is willing to follow through by doing whatever it takes. --Dr. Richards
Case Profile
The other day I went into the office (RFHC) for an NVD appointment after completing my ordination exams. I was wiped out, stressed out and out of whack. Overall, I felt depleted. "Basket case" would have been a good word to describe me. After an hour on the table after an NVD session with Melissa and the doctor and some amazing adjustments by Dr. Richards, I walked away a new person. With adrenal glands, kidneys and a rib back in order, I felt revitalized. The kinks and aches were gone! I had been complaining, limping and straining for days and suddenly I was relaxed and comfortable. Thank you not only for the excellent ongoing care, but for the compassion and humor that comes with it. --PK
If all NVD did was improve your organs' functioning, that would be pretty amazing. Not only does it normalize your physiology, but you end up feeling wonderful in the process. That's only one of the reasons I think NYD is such an invaluable treatment modality. --Dr. Richards
Case Profile
"In April, 1991, 1 had a general physical by my family doctor (MD) who discovered an enlarged prostate with a possible nodule. He referred me to a urologist who arranged the first PSA test in June. This test revealed an elevated PSA the urologist recommended a biopsy to determine possible malignancy. After consulting with Dr. Richards, I had the biopsy which was negative. My urologist recommended follow-up visits to monitor my condition, but offered no treatment for the enlarged prostate.
"In late June, I started a series of treatments with Dr. Richards and took an herbal medication as prescribed by her. The reduced PSA (now below the normal range) appears to be strong evidence of improved health which I credit to Dr. Richards' care.
"I'm pleased to have found a source of quality health care at the Richards Family Health Center, one that is non-invasive and not drug oriented. I find the doctor and staff very helpful, caring and competent." --WT
And his prostate has returned to normal size too! NVD is the only technique I know that can accomplish this. --Dr. Richards
Case Profile
My body loves NVD. I routinely get a rejuvenation and feeling of well being from my treatments and it lasts. Most recently, I came to the office with debilitating nausea; I could barely move. This condition was totally alleviated with one NVD treatment. --LM
Case Profile
"School was pretty frustrating for S. He is very artistic - a gifted artist and musician - but reading and study skills were very challenging. In fact, the school system had categorized him as a "marginal" student. S's learning difficulties were structural - at four, he had been hit on the left forehead with a baseball bat. After that incident, he was more emotional than others his age, had difficulty sitting still and trouble learning to read and write. Private tutoring in reading in first grade helped him compensate, but reading was a struggle. And dealing with the school authorities was an endless battle.
"When S was approximately 12 years old, treatment was begun with Neural Organizational Technique. At first, the treatments were exhausting. It would be very difficult for him to perform the necessary tests, and he would need to sleep after every session. However, the results soon spoke for themselves. He went from a D average in junior high school, to placement in honors classes in high school. He graduated from high school at 16 by passing the State proficiency exam. Now, at 19, he's earned his certification as an Emergency Medical Technician, and is in training to become a fireman." --Aunt of SIS
"I would not have been able to achieve what I've accomplished so far without my NOT treatments. Life would have continued to be overwhelmingly difficult. --SIS
Case Profile
One day, the doctor suggested that my chronic back might have an emotional connection. I was somewhat skeptical; after all, I had spent years in therapy working through the pain of an abusive childhood. However, she said it was very easy to check and I was very tired of being in pain. She quickly located the emotional connection and the very issue I thought therapy had handled. Not only did the back pain leave, but an enormous, heavy gray cloud lifted off of my shoulders. It had been there all my life; I just hadn't been aware of it. Suddenly, the world was much brighter and my life has been much happier ever since.
Case Profile
Since he was a baby, R has been unusually frightened by loud sounds, like thunder and loud bells. As he got older, he adjusted to most of the loud sounds he encountered on a daily basis. Then he was enrolled in a new school. R had problems dealing with the new routine, the new environment and the school bells, which gave a different sounding "ring." At times he would become almost hysterical and he began experiencing headaches as well as stomach pains. So I brought him to Dr. Richards for NET. After ONE treatment specific for loud sounds, he had no more problems. Today, R still has no problems with loud sounds. In fact, the only one with any complaints is ME, but only when he turns up the volume on his radio to maximum! --Mother of RT
R's case was one of my first experiences with NET It was exciting to see how well it worked and how long-lasting the results are. --Dr. Richards
Case Profile
"Several months ago, I was in for a regular treatment. I had indicated to Dr. Richards that I had a problem eliminating but my intestines didn't feel constipated. She asked if she could do NET, suggesting that I might have an emotional component related to this problem. I agreed, and after the NET was completed, I had an intense emotional release.
"Much of the anxiety I was holding inside had dissipated. The very next day I rested and felt very relaxed. Since then, I have never encountered the same problem. As a therapy intern, I would recommend it as an adjunct with other therapies one might be receiving." --LZ
Case Profile (Pediactrics, NET)
"J has always had difficulty allowing anybody to touch his head, especially his eyes. During a regular chiropractic visit, Dr. Richards needed to make an adjustment on his eye muscles, but J was very adamant that he didn't want her to touch his face.
"At Dr. Richards request, I allowed J to have an NET treatment. Immediately J's anxiety about his eyes being touched went away. Interestingly enough, after the treatment, the area around his eyes no longer needed to be adjusted. --Mother of JT
Case Profile
"In December of 1990, my husband and I visited Pitesch, Romania. Our visit was inspired by a segment on the TV show "20/20", which reported on the treatment and care of infants and children in Romania. When we first saw A and L, they were two weeks old and less than four pounds each. They were born two months premature and had suffered a trauma birth. (A and L are fraternal twins.)
"After a considerable amount of red tape, A and L were adopted at the age of four months by my family. From the time they were born until the day we were able to take them home, A and L were wrapped tightly in swaddling clothes that allowed little or no body movement. A had a severe heart murmur and L. had severe colic and strabismus in one of her eyes. A's heart condition eventually became more normal but he seemed unusually quiet. He had no head movement and at first we thought he might be deaf or blind. We eventually brought him to a chiropractic doctor. After just one treatment, A was able to move his head. My husband and I were referred to a chiropractor in San Fernando Valley. The doctor was treating A and L and they were responding very well to the treatments. L's strabismus was clearing and A was able to move more. But the commute to San Fernando Valley was just too great. Then we were referred to the Richards Family Health Center.
"Dr. Richards has been treating A and L for over three months and both are steadily improving. In addition to their treatments, Dr. Richards has addressed their nutritional needs. Both A and L have benefited from the supplements and Bach Flowers we've obtained at the Richards Family Health Center. As a result, L's digestive system has now normalized. A's mobility and alertness has increased. I've noticed that when or L miss their treatment, A. becomes HYPO-active while L becomes HYPER-active. I'm confident that with their treatments and lots of TLC, both A and L will continue to improve. --RS
It is wonderfully rewarding to watch the twins blossom as we continue working with them. L. is steadily catching up to her age level. A.'s deficit is more marked, but it warms my heart to see him hold his head up and look all around. --Dr. Richards
Case Profile (Phonocardiogram, Nutrition)
I have been an active patient of Dr. Richards' for over six years. During that time, I have had several blood tests and nutritional programs. After the first program, I promised myself I would never again take any supplement without having reliable data to show I needed it. I couldn't imagine better nutritional guidance than a blood work-up. Well, that was before I had my nutritional program evaluated on the phonocardiogram! Dr. Richards used the information from my most recent blood test to determine what supplements to test on the phono. I was fascinated to see for myself that most of my new supplements were heart-positive. A few made no difference (heart neutral, I think), and a couple were not good for my heart. In two or 3 instances, I actually needed a different form of the vitamin that was prescribed. Using those results, Dr. Richards modified my supplement program. I am 100% confident that I need everything that I am taking, and that I will improve as a result of my supplement program. --LDM
LDM developed a post-viral "chronic fatigue-like " syndrome at the beginning of this year. Her progress has been slow and steady. Perhaps the most outstanding result from her ACG was that she is one of the people who cannot take synthetic B vitamins. So, we provided the B's in another form. Her heart cycle showed immediate improvement with just that one change. --Dr. Richards
Case Profile
"Your wife is a very sick woman. She's been through too much and I don't expect her to live more than three to six months." This was my forecast, given to my husband, after my surgery in July of 1990. With that prognosis, I was then given nominal care in preparation for my demise. In January of 1991, my immune system collapsed. However, I felt that I wanted to live and continued to struggle.
I first saw Dr. Richards in April of 1991. She was thorough in both examination and testing, but more than that, she was thorough in gleaning medical history from me. The road has been rough, but her care brought me through and was most comprehensive. As a friend stated after I described the care I was getting, "She's helping your body to heal. "She was so patient because I was suffering both physically and emotionally. I had been the victim of surgeries and the ramifications from them, some serious medical neglect, over-medicated, over-worked, and stressed to the max. It took a long time, but life is so precious and I wanted to treasure any extension of time I could have with my family. It means a lot to have a doctor who is willing to help you fight to live, rather than one who doesn't care enough to try. Standard medical training and treatment does not have all the answers. I'm living proof of that. --EK
E.K. has made a remarkable recovery, with very little support from her medical practitioners. She has wonderful determination and her courage has been a large factor in her recovery. --Dr. Richards
Men's Health
Case Profile
"In April, 1991, 1 had a general physical by my family doctor (MD) who discovered an enlarged prostate with a possible nodule. He referred me to a urologist who arranged the first PSA test in June. This test revealed an elevated PSA the urologist recommended a biopsy to determine possible malignancy. After consulting with Dr. Richards, I had the biopsy which was negative. My urologist recommended follow-up visits to monitor my condition, but offered no treatment for the enlarged prostate.
"In late June, I started a series of treatments with Dr. Richards and took an herbal medication as prescribed by her. The reduced PSA (now below the normal range) appears to be strong evidence of improved health which I credit to Dr. Richards' care.
"I'm pleased to have found a source of quality health care at the Richards Family Health Center, one that is non-invasive and not drug oriented. I find the doctor and staff very helpful, caring and competent." --WT
And his prostate has returned to normal size too! NVD is the only technique I know that can accomplish this. --Dr. Richards
Case Profile
"I was originally going to a general practitioner for chest pain. From just one EKG, he diagnosed me as having angina pectoris. So, he prescribed heart medications for my condition. When he left the state, I saw a cardiologist. Without running any further tests, the cardiologist maintained the original diagnosis and, as a precautionary measure, he kept me on the meds. Well, the chest pain never got any better, even after seeing two doctors! I felt that the heart meds were rapidly killing me.
At the suggestion of my wife, I reluctantly sought help from Dr. Richards. She determined that I, in fact, did not have angina pectoris. The condition I had was Prinzmetal's angina, which came about from food allergies. Dr. Richards prescribed a nutritional/allergy avoidance program for me based on allergy and blood tests. After a short while, the pain in my chest stopped. --FLR
Mr. R. was right, the heart meds were killing him. He also has a heart block, and the medications he had been prescribed are contraindicated in that condition. They drive the patient into heart failure. Not only is he free of chest pain he's also free of heart medication, as well. --Dr. Richards
Case Profile (Phonocardiogram, Heart)
A friend told my daughter to go there (to RFHC) because she had her help her, and [Dr. Richards] was good. Dr. O'Connor, a heart specialist, said I need[ed] an aortic valve replacement. I had already had a 4-bypass, 8 years ago, and I was worried another operation would be too much.
Dr. Richard[s] said if I took her advice and nutritional supplies, I would not get worse. So Dr. (O'Connor] did another stress heart valve test and in 6 mos. said he would not operate - so go home and take Dr. Richards "stuff." I sleep better and my heart is regular and strong. --RH
R.H. is 87 years old and had severe aortic stenosis, as well as uncontrollable high blood pressure when he first came to see me. I was uncertain whether we could reverse the stenosis, however, I felt certain that we could prevent it from advancing. Imagine my surprise when the stenotic valve repaired itself and his blood pressure dropped to normal! This is as good as it gets, from a doctor's point of view. --Dr. Richards
Case Profile (Phonocardiogram, Heart)
Hi, my name is Tom and I suffered from congestive heart failure and on 11/5/96 my blood pressure was uncontrollable. I had so much difficulty in breathing I was always puffing and puffing. I was grossly overweight. (I was retaining so much water). After being hospitalized I lost 25 pounds, but I was still hulling and puffing, and I was so weak. My blood pressure was now totally out of control, and I was doing everything the Kaiser doctors were telling me to do (limiting my salt intake, taking my medication regularly and not exerting myself).
My wife recommended I see Dr. Richards. I started to feel a little better, and I was still taking the medication from the Kaiser doctors, and on 4/12/97 1 had a mini stroke. I could not speak, my right hand became useless and I was hospitalized again. My wife said, "You better get your butt over to see Dr. Richards." I did, and I am glad I did. Dr. Richards treated me and BAM I started not only feeling better, I began to feel good (my kidneys kicked in, I was urinating again and that is a good thing). I no longer had shortness of breath - I was strong as a bull again.
I recently saw my buddy Charles, and he was dragging and he complained about his health and his high blood pressure, and I said to Charles, "If you ever want to date again, you better get your butt over to see Dr. Richards." I am telling anyone reading this, if you are feeling bad and you are in poor health, You better get your butt over to see Dr Richards! --Tom V
Tom's case is one of those medical miracles. Malignant unresponsive hypertension coupled - with congestive heart failure has a very poor prognosis medically. In Tom's case, I utilized the nutrients from the phonocardiogram protocol for both congestive heart failure and hypertension, and you see the results. I can sincerely say that the proper nutritional supplements are far more effective than cardiac medications in almost every case. --Dr. Richards
Case Profile (Phonocardiogram, Nutrition)
I have been an active patient of Dr. Richards' for over six years. During that time, I have had several blood tests and nutritional programs. After the first program, I promised myself I would never again take any supplement without having reliable data to show I needed it. I couldn't imagine better nutritional guidance than a blood work-up. Well, that was before I had my nutritional program evaluated on the phonocardiogram! Dr. Richards used the information from my most recent blood test to determine what supplements to test on the phono. I was fascinated to see for myself that most of my new supplements were heart-positive. A few made no difference (heart neutral, I think), and a couple were not good for my heart. In two or 3 instances, I actually needed a different form of the vitamin that was prescribed. Using those results, Dr. Richards modified my supplement program. I am 100% confident that I need everything that I am taking, and that I will improve as a result of my supplement program. --LDM
LDM developed a post-viral "chronic fatigue-like " syndrome at the beginning of this year. Her progress has been slow and steady. Perhaps the most outstanding result from her ACG was that she is one of the people who cannot take synthetic B vitamins. So, we provided the B's in another form. Her heart cycle showed immediate improvement with just that one change. --Dr. Richards